
As a collective effort, the preparation of this e-book would not have been possible without the unflagging support and collaboration offered by the librarians at the Marriott Library and the Eccles Health Sciences Library at the University of Utah.  Anne Morrow of the Marriott Library encouraged us to embark on the e-book journey and provided an example for us to follow.  Her mentoring in the technicalities of WordPress was essential to our book production.  She also introduced us to Allyson Mower, another Marriott Librarian, who advised us on copyright issues.  Alice Weber and Erin Wimmer of the Eccles Health Sciences Library provided collaborative reflection and input into the design of the e-book and added to our class experience by providing resources for us throughout the journey.

John Paul Rodriguez, a fellow graduate student, joined us for his teaching nursing practicum experience.  His assistance in managing the WordPress site supported our learning and provided a critical link between the authors, the librarians, and the e-book technology we were learning during the class experience.

We also wish to thank our families and friends.  Aiden Ghadban was born during our semester together and took part in our celebrations of e-book writing progress, even though he was too little to know it.  Our other children, spouses, friends, and classmates supported our work, too.

As authors, we appreciated the review and critique of our fellow classmates, who read and aided us in thinking through our chapter design. With peer review we clarified our personal interests in research with diverse populations and arrived at more sophisticated ways of thinking and conducting our research.

Specific acknowledgements from each author are listed below.

Lauren Clark

It is an honor and a privilege to be a faculty member at the University of Utah College of Nursing. I work in a setting that stimulates innovation and risk-taking, and I am grateful for the space to try new things. I am fortunate to teach intelligent, passionate students, particularly those who enrolled in this class.  They eagerly agreed to experiment with me on an e-book and helped envision the various assignments. As a result of their vision we have more interactive products.  We all hope future readers benefit from their effort. I also acknowledge the contributions of my librarian colleagues. I value their good judgment and interest in collaborative works.  John Rodriguez has been a responsible and enthusiastic student mentee, and I have learned from his patient attentiveness to this project.

 Rebecca Doughty

I would like to give heartfelt thanks to Dr. Clark and my colleagues in this class—what a privilege to learn with one of the smartest groups of women I have ever met.

Special thanks to Dad and Mom—you are the best example I could have of what integrity is. I love you greatly.

Cody, Conner, Emily, and Isabella—thank you for bringing the chaos that I need to concentrate. I love you 80-12!

Roula Ghadban

To Dr. Clark and my classmates, I can’t be thankful enough for such a pleasant and fruitful course. The e-book was a special experience to me and wouldn’t have been possible without each and everyone’s assets.

I would like to acknowledge my family for their understanding and support and apologize to my newborn because I was a bit busy this semester and wasn’t giving him as much time as I wanted.

Hilda Haynes-Lewis

I would like to acknowledge my patient and supportive family: my husband Errol, children Sydney and Caleb, and my inspiration, my mom Vineta. I wish she was still here to enjoy the e-book. But I still have my second mom, Shelia, who continues to guide and help me.

Without them this would not have been possible. THANKS and I LOVE YOU ALL!!

Sarah Llanque

I would like to thank Dr. Lauren Clark for the opportunity to think outside the box, write a chapter in an e-book, being a guide through this learning process, and expanding my mind with understanding research with vulnerable populations. Her help through this process is very much appreciated from myself, and the class.

Dr. Michael S. Caserta, my research mentor, is a wonderful guide through my journey in conducting research with vulnerable populations. I am learning from him and his research team every day. He has taught me the art of team science, along with how to balance research, writing, and living life. For it is life that gives us purpose for what we do.

My classmates in the course have been the epitome of researchers that possess both humanity and humility. They are a diverse group of strong women are on the precipice of leaving their mark in the research world. It has been an honor to get to know you and I hope we can collaborate one day on a study with vulnerable populations.

Lastly, my heart and soul goes out to the Native American community in Portland, Oregon. Sometimes we go into situations not knowing what will happen. I came to Portland wanting to share my knowledge of health and nursing with the Elders. The Elders and the entire community have taught me that you must recognize who you are, your culture, and understand that together. As a community, we can make positive change in our health and life.

Esther Okang

I would like to express my gratitude to the many people who saw us through this e-book; to all those who provided support, talked things over, read, wrote, offered comments, allowed us to quote their remarks and assisted in the editing, proofreading and design.

I would like to thank Dr. Lauren Clark for enabling us to publish this e-book and giving each of us an excellent learning experience. Above all, I want to thank my roommates, Georgia, Melanie and the rest of my family, who supported and encouraged me to be a better student. It has been long and a difficult journey away from them.

I would like to thank the Marriott Library and the Health Science Library at the University of Utah for helping us in the process of selection and editing.

Thanks to John Rodriguez – without you this e-book would never find its way to the Web and to so many people who have worked earnestly.

Last and not least: I would like to thank all my colleagues for the time and effort they each spent on their chapters.

Alison Pittman

Thank you to Dr. Clark and my classmates for enlightening me every Wednesday and opening my eyes to new ways of thinking. Thank you to my family for their support.

Brittney Tacy

I would like to thank Dr. Clark for sharing her wisdom and experiences with us throughout this class. Also thank you to my classmates, this class has taught me to look beyond what we think we know and to not be afraid of a challenge.

Also thank you to my husband for his support and my furry children for keeping me company through these long hours of work towards my dream, a PhD.

John Rodriguez

First I want to thank the students in NURS 7455 whose work made this e-book possible.  I appreciate all the efforts you did in generating the documents and your willingness to participate in this one of a kind project.  I also want to thank Lauren Clark for her vision that resulted in this e-book and for the guidance she provided to the students in the completion of their assignments.  In addition I personally appreciated her insights and our discussion concerning underserved populations.  These insights assisted me in gaining a better understanding of these populations and in my research on the care of cancer patients and their families.   Finally I want to acknowledge the librarians who contributed the successful completion of this e-book.  Thanks Alice, Anne and Erin, without your help this e-book would not be possible.

Permission to use photograph “Trenton School Children” was generously given by the photographer, Randy Calderone All rights reserved.

Creative Commons License
Research with Diverse Populations is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.